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Residential Development in Bidborough, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Mill Court is a development of 9 houses on the site of 3 disused farm barns on the edge of the village of Bidborough, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. LHLA was appointed to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), Landscape Design, Landscape and Arboricultural Report.  LHLA worked with Phil Thomas to prepare verified views of the proposed development which lies within the Metropolitan Greenbelt, but just outside the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The landscape design included hard works, existing tree protection, sustainable drainage, biodiversity and a planting strategy. Planning Approval was granted in 2017.

LHLA Landscape Design
LHLA sketch showing public private open space
LHLA sketch showing sustainable drainage Bidborough
LHLA Viewpoint for Bidborough LVIA

email: tel: 01892 870211 mob: 07711820575 based in Penshurst, Tonbridge, Kent 



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