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Planning Appeal Sevenoaks

LHLA was appointed to prepare a Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment to rebut a planning appeal for a new dwelling in the grounds of an Arts and Crafts style 1930s property in a leafy, residential area of Sevenoaks, Kent. The townscape character of the area is of high quality and in good condition, but a series of recent small and incremental cumulative changes have made the area particularly sensitive to further change. The alignment and siting of the proposed development is in complete variance to the pattern of the existing streetscape; the scale and massing will stand out as an incompatible and inappropriate new development. 

The Planning Inspectorate dismissed the Appeal in favour of our client, citing several of the arguments made in the Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment.

LHLA Wildernesse Avenue Sevenoaks
LHLA Figureground for Sevenoaks Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment
LHLA ZVI for Sevenoaks Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment
LHLA Cross Section for Sevenoaks Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment

email: tel: 01892 870211 mob: 07711820575 based in Penshurst, Tonbridge, Kent 



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