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Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent

LHLA was appointed to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Ecological Assessment and Outline Masterplanning for a site near Gravesend to propose a site for inclusion within the Gravesham SLAA (Strategic Land Availability Assessment) for residential development. Working with WYG Planning and Martin Newcombe Ecologist, LHLA prepared a LVIA and presented landscape and ecological evidence to support the allocation of the site for housing.

Kent Character Areas Jacobs 2009
LHLA viewpoint for LVIA
LHLA Viewpoint LVIA
Gravesham Landscape Character Areas Jacobs 2009

email: tel: 01892 870211 mob: 07711820575 based in Penshurst, Tonbridge, Kent 



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